Oscars - 2018

Best Actor in Leading Role Gary Oldman Darkest Hour
Best Actress in Leading Role Frances McDormand Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Actor in Supporting Role Sam Rockwell Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Actress in Supporting Role Allison Janney I, Tonya
Best Picture Guillermo del Toro The Shape of Water
Best Foreign Language Film Sebastián Lelio Una Mujer Fantástica
Best Director Guillermo del Toro The Shape of Water
Best Actor in Leading Role Nomination Denzel Washington Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Best Actor in Leading Role Nomination Daniel Kaluuya Get Out
Best Actor in Leading Role Nomination Daniel Day-Lewis Phantom Thread
Best Actor in Leading Role Nomination Timothée Chalamet Chiamami col tuo nome
Best Actress in Leading Role Nomination Meryl Streep The Post
Best Actress in Leading Role Nomination Saoirse Ronan Lady Bird
Best Actress in Leading Role Nomination Sally Hawkins The Shape of Water
Best Actress in Leading Role Nomination Margot Robbie I, Tonya
Best Actor in Supporting Role Nomination Christopher Plummer All the Money in the World
Best Actor in Supporting Role Nomination Willem Dafoe The Florida Project
Best Actor in Supporting Role Nomination Richard Jenkins The Shape of Water
Best Actor in Supporting Role Nomination Woody Harrelson Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Actress in Supporting Role Nomination Mary J. Blige Mudbound
Best Actress in Supporting Role Nomination Lesley Manville Phantom Thread
Best Actress in Supporting Role Nomination Laurie Metcalf Lady Bird
Best Actress in Supporting Role Nomination Octavia Spencer The Shape of Water
Best Picture Nomination Joe Wright Darkest Hour
Best Picture Nomination Martin McDonagh Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Picture Nomination Steven Spielberg The Post
Best Picture Nomination Paul Thomas Anderson Phantom Thread
Best Picture Nomination Greta Gerwig Lady Bird
Best Picture Nomination Jordan Peele Get Out
Best Picture Nomination Christopher Nolan Dunkirk
Best Picture Nomination Luca Guadagnino Chiamami col tuo nome
Best Foreign Language Film Nomination Ziad Doueiri L'insulte
Best Foreign Language Film Nomination Andrej Zvjagintsev Njeljubov
Best Foreign Language Film Nomination Ildiko Enyedi Teströl és lélekröl
Best Foreign Language Film Nomination Ruben Östlund The Square
Best Director Nomination Jordan Peele Get Out
Best Director Nomination Christopher Nolan Dunkirk
Best Director Nomination Greta Gerwig Lady Bird
Best Director Nomination Paul Thomas Anderson Phantom Thread

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