Arsinée Khanjiaan

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Attrice - Canada

Arsinée Khanjiaan é nato nel 0 É un Attrice kanadischer, nota per i suoi film A ma soeur (2000),sposata
Biografia in Tedesco (in Tedesco): Arsinée Khanjian most recently starred in Catherine Breillat's ì
critically acclaimed feature, A Ma Soeur! (Fat Girl). Her other international ì
credits include Michael Haneke's CODE INCONNU; two films for Olivier Assayas, ì
Irma Vep and Late August, Early September; and Don McKellar's debut feature, ì
Last Night. Khanjian is best-known in North America for her ongoing ì
collaboration with filmmaker Atom Egoyan. In his features she has played many ì
important parts, including the pregnant club-owner in Exotica; an anguished ì
hippie mother in the Oscarr-nominated The Sweet Hereafter, (for which she ì
shared a special award for Ensemble Acting from the National Board of ì
Review); and the glamorous TV cook (and mother) in Felicia's Journey. She ì
also co-produced, as well as starred with Egoyan in the award-winning ì
Calendar.Khanjian's extensive stage-work includes Irina Brook's 1999 ì
French-language premiere of Dancing At Lughnasa, in Paris and Switzerland, ì
(subsequently remounted in 2000, for a French national tour and festival ì
appearances in Japan and Germany). She has starred in a number of important ì
productions in Canada, including Beast On The Moon, and Wedding Day At The ì
In Spring, 2001, she was back in Paris and Switzerland, starring in a major ì
new production of Goethe's Stella, directed by Bruno Bayen. On television, ì
she starred in the CBC drama series, Side Effects and has established a ì
dynamic collaboration with Ken Finkleman, with the series More Tears, Foreign ì
Objects, and Foolish Heart. The latter of which, she performed entirely in ì
Armenian, and earned her both the Gemini Award, and the Best Actress Award ì
from the Cinema Tout Ecran (Switzerland). Most recently, she hosted a special ì
presentation of the CBC's Opening Night, dealing with genocide - an issue ì
that Khanjian has been fervently involved with, especially as an activist for ì
international recognition of the historic Armenian Genocide.Khanjian is an ì
active volunteer and board member of arts groups internationally, including ì
the Zoryan Institue, and The Power Plant, Canada's leading contemporary art ì
gallery.Currently, in Toronto, Khanjian is starring on stage in the Canadian ì
premiere of Marivaux's Counterfeit Secrets, directed by John Van Burek.

Arsinée Khanjiaan Filmografia [Auszug]
2000: A ma soeur (Interpreti), Regia Catherine Breillat, con Laura Betti, Libero de Rienzo,

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