Boris Bilinsky

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Kostümbildner - Russland
Geboren 21. September 1900 in Bendery, Russland
Verstorben 3. Februar 1948 in Catania

Boris Bilinsky was born on September 21, 1900 in Bendery, Russland. He was a Russian Kostümbildner, known for Le jour se lève (1939), La Habanera (1937), De Mayerling à Sarajevo (1939), Boris Bilinsky's first movie on record is from 1923. Boris Bilinsky died on Februar 3, 1948 in Catania. His last motion picture on file dates from 1946.
Biographical Notes in German: Boris Konstantinovich Bilinsky, am 21. September 1900 in Benderi bei Odessa ì
als Sohn eines Offiziers geboren; Szenenbildner, Kostümbildner und ì
Plakatgestalter. Militärschule in Russland, 1920 Emigration über ì
Konstantinopel nach Berlin, dort Arbeiten für das Kabarett DER BLAUE VOGEL ì
und andere Kabaretts. 1923 Übersiedlung nach Paris, Kontakte zu Leon Bakst ì
und Künstler der russischen Emigration. Mitarbeit bei Projekten der ALBATROS ì
FILM, unter anderem für die Regisseure Alexander Wolkoff (Alexandre Volkoff) ì
und Jean Epstein, zahlreiche Plakatentwürfe, Bühnenbilder und Kostüme für ì
Operninszenierungen und Ballette.

In den Dreissiger Jahren verschiedene Ausstattungen für deutsche Filme in ì
Babelsberg, unter anderen für Detlef Siercks LA HABANERA mit Zarahl Leander. ì
Nach Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges nach Italien. Bilinsky starb am 3. ì
Februar 1948 in Catania, Sizilien.

Boris Bilinsky Filmography [Auszug]
1946: Lo sconosciuto di San Marino (Kostümbild), Directed by Michael Waszinsky, Vittorio Cottafavi, with Anna Magnani, Vittorio De Sica, Aurel Milloss,
1946: Il marito povero (Architekt), Directed by Gaetano Amata,
1945: La carne e l'anima (Kostümbild), Directed by Vladimir Strizhevskij, with Isa Miranda, Massimo Girotti, Mario Ferrari,
1943: L' angelo bianco (Kostümbild), Directed by Giulio Antamoro, Federico Sinibaldi, with Emma Gramatica, Filippo Scelzo, ,
1943: Storia di una capinera (Kostümbild), Directed by Gennaro Righelli,
1942: Amore Imperiale (Architekt), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov, with Luisa Ferida, Claudio Gora,
1942: Paura d'amare (Kostümbild), Directed by Gaetano Amata, with Luis Hurtado, Camilla Horn,
1942: Orizzonte di Sangue (Kostümbild), Directed by Gennaro Righelli, with Luisa Ferida, Osvaldo Valenti, Valentina Cortese,
1942: La pantera nera (Kostümbild), Directed by Domenico Gambino,
1941: è caduta una donna (Kostümbild), Directed by Alfredo Guarini, with Isa Miranda, Rossano Brazzi, Claudio Gora,
1941: Documento Z 3 (Architekt), Directed by Alfredo Guarini,
1941: Ridi, Pagliaccio ! (Kostümbild), Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque, with Fosco Giachetti, Laura Solari,
1940: Volpone (Kostümbild), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, Jacques de Baroncelli, with Harry Baur, Roger Blin, Jacqueline Delubac,
1940: Senza Cielo (Kostümbild), Directed by Alfredo Guarini, with Gustav Diessl, Isa Miranda,
1939: De Mayerling à Sarajevo (Von Mayerling bis Sarajewo) (Kostümbild), Directed by Max Ophüls, with William Aguet, Aimos, Marcel André,
1939: Le jour se lève (Der Tag bricht an) (Kostümbild), Directed by Marcel Carné, with Jacqueline Laurent, Arletty, Jacques Baumer,
1939: Entente cordiale (Kostümbild), Directed by Marcel L'Herbier,
1939: Tempête (Kostümbild), Directed by Dominique Bernard-Deschamps,
1938: Le patriote (Kostümbild), Directed by Maurice Tourneur,
1938: Monsieur Coccinelle (Architekt), Directed by Dominique Bernard-Deschamps,
1938: Katia (Katja - Die ungekrönte Kaiserin) (Kostümbild), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with Danielle Darrieux, John Loder, Aimé Clariond,
1938: Kean (unrealized project) (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov,
1937: La Habanera (Kostümbild), Directed by Douglas Sirk, with Zarah Leander, Rosita Alcaraz, Boris Alekin,
1937: La dame de Malacca (Kostümbild), Directed by Marc Allégret, with Gabrielle Dorziat, Edwige Feuillère, ,
1937: La bataille silencieuse (Kostümbild), Directed by Pierre Billon,
1937: Les nuits blanches de Saint-Petersbourg (Kostümbild), Directed by Jean Dréville,
1937: Nuits de Princes (Ab mitternacht) (Kostümbild), Directed by Carl Hoffmann, Vladimir Strizhevskij,
1936: Wolga Wolga (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov,
1936: Madame Bonaparte (unrealized project) (Kostümbild: --??--), Directed by Dominique Bernard-Deschamps,
1936: Tredici uomini e un cannone (Architekt), Directed by Giovacchino Forzano,
1936: Schlussakkord (Kostümbild), Directed by Douglas Sirk, with Carl Auen, Erich Bartels, Johannes Bergfeldt,
1935: L' equipage (Kostümbild), Directed by Anatole Litvak, with Annabella, Charles Vanel, Jean Murat,
1935: Michel Strogoff (Der Kurier des Zaren) (Kostümbild), Directed by Jacques de Baroncelli, Richard Eichberg, with Maria Andergast, Hilde Hildebrand, Theo Lingen,
1934: Mademoiselle Docteur (unrealized project) (Kostümbild), Directed by Anatole Litvak,
1934: Casanova (Kostümbild), Directed by René Barberis, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Jeanne Boitel, Madeleine Ozeray,
1933: Sotto l'accetta (Architekt), Directed by Dominique Bernard-Deschamps,
1932: L' Atlantide (Die Herrin von Atlantis) (Kostümbild: --??--), Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, with Jean Angelo, Odette Florelle, Brigitte Helm,
1932: La 1002è Nuit (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov,
1931: Das gelbe Haus des King-Fu (Kostümbild), Directed by Karl Grune, with Gustav Diessl, Louis Ralph, ,
1931: La symphonie des tenèbres (unrealized project) (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov,
1931: Le rosier de Madame Husson (Kostümbild), Directed by Dominique Bernard-Deschamps, with Françoise Rosay,
1931: Die Königin einer Nacht (Kostümbild: --??--), Directed by Fritz Wendhausen, with Friedl Haerlin, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Walter Janssen,
1930: La femme d'une nuit (Kostümbild), Directed by Marcel L'Herbier, with Francesca Bertini, Jean Murat, Boris de Fast,
1930: Fra Diavolo (Kostümbild), Directed by Mario Bonnard, with , , Armand Bernard,
1930: Der weisse Teufel (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov, with Fritz Alberti, Betty Amann, Henry Bender,
1929: Monte Christo (Der Graf von Monte Christo) (Kostümbild), Directed by Henri Fescourt, with Jean Angelo, Marie Glory, Lil Dagover,
1929: Tarakanova (Kostümbild), Directed by Raymond Bernard, with , Paule Andral, Olaf Fjord,
1929: Kult Ciala (Architekt), Directed by Michel Wazinsky, with Agnes Petersen, Victor Varconi, Fritz Delius,
1928: Geheimnisse des Orients (Sheherazade) (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov, with Marcella Albani, Julius Falkenstein, Nikolai Kolin,
1927: Paname n'est pas Paris (Die Apachen von Paris) (Kostümbild), Directed by Nikolai Malikoff, with Jaque Catelain, Charles Vanel, Lia Eibenschütz,
1927: Casanova (Kostümbild), Directed by Aleksandr Volkov, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Suzanne Bianchetti, Bouamerane,
1925: 1975 (unrealized project) (Kostümbild), Directed by Ivan Mosjoukin,
1924: La cible (Kostümbild: --??--), Directed by Serge Nadejdine, with ,
1924: Le lion des Mogols (Kostümbild), Directed by Jean Epstein, with Ivan Mosjoukin, , Nathalie Lissenko,
1924: Âme d'artiste (Kostümbild), Directed by Germaine Dulac, with Ivan Petrovich, Nikolai Kolin, Mabel Poulton,
1924: L' affiche (Architekt), Directed by Jean Epstein, with Nathalie Lissenko,
1924: Le prince charmant (Kostümbild), Directed by Victor Tourjansky, with Jaque Catelain, Claude France, Nikolai Kolin,
1924: La Prince charmante (Architekt), Directed by Victor Tourjansky, with Nathalie Kovanko, Nikolas Rimskij, Nikolai Kolin,
1923: Le brasier ardent (Lodernde Glut) (Architekt: --??--), Directed by Ivan Mosjoukin, Aleksandr Volkov, with Nathalie Lissenko, , Ivan Mosjoukin,

. Poster_Casanova. Poster_Atlantide. Poster_Katia. Poster_jour se lève. Poster_Mayerling à Sarajevo. Poster_Volpone

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