Bologna - Filmfestival 2015

Bologna - Il Cinema ritrovato

June 27 to July 4, 2015


En Decauville jusqu'à Douaumont

Directed by:   N. N., Frankreich - 1917
Production: Section Cinématographique de l'Armée - Regisseur: N. N. - Kamera: Albert Samama Chikly -

La Champagne de Rigadin

Directed by:   Georges Monca, Frankreich - 1915
Production: Pathé Frères, Paris - Distribution: Pathé Frères, Paris - Regisseur: Georges Monca - Darsteller: Charles Prince Rigadin -

Love, Speed and Thrills

Directed by:   Walter Wright, USA - 1915
Production: Keystone Film Company - Distribution: Mutual Film - Producer: Mack Sennett - Regisseur: Walter Wright - Darsteller: Chester Conklin Mr. Walrus - Mack Swain Ambrose - Minta Durfee Ambrose's Wife - Josef Swickard Police Chief - Charley Chase Cop (/xx/) (--??--) - Edwin Frazee Motorcycle Mailman / Cop (/xx/) - Billy Gilbert Cop (/xx/) - Grover Ligon Speed Cop with Rope (/xx/) -