Pordenone - Filmfestival 2016

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto - Pordenone

September 30 to October 7, 2016

Reihe: Retrospektive

The Tight Rein

Directed by:   Howell Hansel, USA - 1916
Production: Arrow Film Corporation - Distribution: Pathé Exchange, Inc. - Producer: William Edgar Shallenberger - Regisseur: Howell Hansel - Drehbuch: Edfrid A. Bingham (AKA E.A. Bingham) - Albert S. Le Vino - Nancy Mann Waddel Woodrow (AKA Mrs. Wilson Woodrow) - Harvey F. Thew - Kamera: Eugene J. Cugnet - Darsteller: Tom Moore Jack McCall - the Mill Owner's Son - Anna Q. Nilsson Amy Prentice - the Mill Worker (AKA Anna Nilsson) - Arthur Donaldson Jeremiah McCall, Jack's father -

Una Donna funesta

Directed by:   Camillo De Riso, Italien - 1919
Production: Caesar Film, Roma - Distribution: Photodrama, Roma-Torino - Regisseur: Camillo De Riso - Drehbuch: Giuseppe Paolo Pacchierotti - Nach einer Vorlage von: Emile Zola Novel: Nana - Darsteller: Tilde Kassay Nana - Camillo De Riso - Gustavo Serena - Renato Achilli - Lido Manetti - Guido Trento - Franco Gennaro (--??--) -