L' Amante fatale

Once to every woman

Regia: Allen Holubar, , Stati Uniti, 1920

  •   Genre: Drama,

Plakatmotiv L' Amante fatale, © Jewel Productions Inc.


Casa produtrice Jewel Productions Inc.
Distributtore Universal Film Manufacturing Company
Produttore Carl Laemmle [(presenter)]
Allen Holubar
Direttore Allen Holubar
Scenaggiatore Olga Linek Scholl
Allen Holubar
Basato Allen Holubar
Direttore della Fotografia Fred LeRoy Granville
Montaggio Viola Mallory [(Nicht genannt )]
Interpreti Dorothy Phillips [Aurora Meredith]
William Ellingford [Matthew Meredith]
Margaret Mann [Mother Meredith (Unter dem Namen Mrs. Margaret)]
Emily Chichester [Patience Meredith]
Elinor Field [Virginia Meredith]
Robert Anderson [Phineas Scudder]
Mary Wise [Mrs. Thorndyke]
Rudolph Valentino [Juliantimo]
Dan Crimmins [Mr. Chichester Jones]
Rosa Gore [Mrs. Chichester Jones]
Frank Elliott [Duke of Devonshire]
George Hackathorne
Tom Hayden

Caratteristiche tecniche
Categoria: Lungometraggio
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,, 7000 piedi, 7 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 6º Settembre 1920 in USA
Copie esistenti: ignoto, nessuna informazione
Szenenphoto aus L' Amante fatale, © Jewel Productions Inc.

Osservazione generali (in Tedesco): Arbeitstitel für den Film waren "Ambition" und "The Gorgeous Canary". Drehbeginn wurde im August 1919 angekündet. Es war der letzte Film den Holubar und Phillips für Carl Laemmle drehten, bevor es zum Bruch zwischen den Holubars und dem langjährigen Arbeitgeber Universal kam. Holubar warf Universal vor, sie hätten sich nicht an die Vertragsklauseln gehalten, aber es scheint zu einer Einigung im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen gekommen zu sein. Auch nachdem Holubar Universal verlassen hatte, waren seine Filme ein fester und erfolgreicher Bestandteil des Verleihprograms von Universal. Nach den Erfolg von Rudolph Valentino in Ingrams "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" wurde auch Valentinos Rolle in "Once to Every Woman" prominenter vermarktet, nachdem ursprünglich Valentinos Mitwirkung in diesem Film kaum beachtung gefunden hatte. (lhg 2019)

General Information

L' Amante fatale is a motion picture produced in the year 1920 as a Stati Uniti production. The Film was directed by Allen Holubar, with Dorothy Phillips, William Ellingford, Margaret Mann, Emily Chichester, Elinor Field, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file; There are no reviews of L' Amante fatale available.

Bibliografia - Camera!, August 2, 1919, pg 3
- Camera!, August 23, 1919, pg 11
- Camera!, August 30, 1919, pg 5
- Camera! October 16, 1920, pg 5
- Camera! October 18, 1919, pg 14
- Exhibitors Herald, January 17, 1920, pg 105
- Exhibitors Herald, October 16, 1920, pp 86-87
- Exhibitor's Trade Review, 16 October 1920, pg 2094.
- The Motion Picture News, 18 September 1920, pg 391.
- The Motion Picture News, 9 October 1920, pg 2800.
- The Motion Picture News, October 16, 1920, pg 3077.
- The Moving Picture Weekly, October 2, 1920
- The Moving Picture World, 30 October 1920, pg 1293.
- Schenectady Gazette, October 4, 1919, pg 9
- Wid's Film Daily, October 3, 1920, pg 25.
- Richard E. Braff, The Universal Silents, Jefferson 1999, No. 5838

References in Databases
American Film Institute Nr. 15994
American Silent Feature Film Database Nr. 7986
IMDb - International Movie Data Base Nr. tt0011536
KinoTV Database Nr. 52268
Polski Film Web Nr. 88082
Progressive List of Silent Films
Turner Classic Movies Database Nr. 499759
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