Branding Broadway

Regia: William S. Hart, , Stati Uniti, 1918

  •   Genre: Western,

Szenenphoto aus Branding Broadway, © Artcraft Pictures Corporation, Hart Productions, Inc


Casa produtrice Artcraft Pictures Corporation
William S. Hart Productions, Inc
Produttore Thomas H. Ince
Direttore William S. Hart
Assistente al Direttore Robert Broadwell
Scenaggiatore C. Gardner Sullivan
Direttore della Fotografia Joseph H. August
Architetto-scenografo Thomas A. Brierley
Interpreti William S. Hart [Robert Sands, ein Cowby]
Seena Owen [Mary Lee, eine Kellnerin]
Andrew Robson [Harrington sen.]
Arthur Shirley [Larry Harrington]
Lew Short [Dick Horn, Detektiv (Unter dem Namen Lewis W. Short)]

Caratteristiche tecniche
Categoria: Lungometraggio
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,Durata: 53 minuti, 4374 piedi, 5 ruoli, 22 imagini al secondo
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 15º Dicembre 1918 in
US Copyright: 08. November. 1918 - ©LP 13042
Copie esistenti: Copie di questa pellicula esistono [Archiv: Moma]
Szenenphoto aus Branding Broadway, © Artcraft Pictures Corporation, Hart Productions, Inc

Sinossi (in Tedesco)
William S. Hart war der große Westernheld des frühen amerikanischen Stummfilms, der am Ende der Filme nach gelöstem Konflikt regelmäßig in die weite Landschaft davon ritt. In dem Film BRANDING BROADWAY, den das Museum of Modern Art in New York restauriert hat, begibt er sich als Cowboy nach New York und arbeitet als Bodyguard für den verzogenen Sohn eines reichen Eisenbahnmagnaten. Die sehr unterhaltsame Komödie, die Hart selbst inszeniert hat, zeigt ihn von seiner besten Seite. (Förderverein Filmkultur Bonn)

Riviste (in Tedesco): «Bob Sands and some of his cowboys ride into an Arizona town to have a good time. When they find that the town has gone dry, they start to tear it wide open, but the Law and Order League is on the job and ship Bob east on the passenger train. Bob decides to keep on going, and answers an advertisement for a strong-minded man to keep the son of a railroad magnate out of mischief. Bob takes the job and has a lively time along the Great White Way, but in the end, he throws up the job and goes west with his new-found wife, tired of the artificial life.» – The Moving Picture World, 21.12.1918, p.1389, zitiert nach Giornate del cinema muto, Pordenone 2006

General Information

Branding Broadway is a motion picture produced in the year 1918 as a Stati Uniti production. The Film was directed by William S. Hart, with William S. Hart, Seena Owen, Arthur Shirley, Lew Short, Andrew Robson, in the leading parts.

References in Databases
KinoTV Database Nr. 58984

Unter anderem wurde der Film bei folgenden Filmfestivals aufgeführt:

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