
Filmography [Auszug]
1916: [08.20] Liberty (Darsteller: SeƱorita Travarito), Directed by Henry MacRae, Jacques Jaccard, with Marie Walcamp, Jack Holt, Eddie Polo,
1916: [01.01] The Wanderers (Darsteller: Babette), Directed by William Wolbert, with , George Holt, Mary Ruby,
1915: [11.04] A White Feather Volunteer (Darsteller: Mrs. John Brown), Directed by Rupert Julian, with Rupert Julian, Hallam Cooley,
1915: [09.09] The Finest Gold (Darsteller: Maud McQuoil - Bruce's Wife), Directed by Murdock MacQuarrie, with Murdock MacQuarrie, Arthur Moon,
1914: [07.19] Out of the Darkness (Darsteller: The Thief's Accomplice), Directed by N. N., with Robert Z. Leonard, Ella Hall,
1914: [07.04] The House Discordant (Darsteller: Hazel - the Stepmother ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Allan Forrest,
1914: [06.21] The Sherlock Boob (Darsteller: The Girl Reporter ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard,
1914: [06.18] A Law Unto Himself (Darsteller: Maria - the Wife ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Lloyd Ingraham,
1914: [06.11] The Awakening (Darsteller: The Fisherman's Sweetheart ), Directed by Otis Turner, with Robert Z. Leonard, Beatrice Van,
1914: [06.04] Swede Larson (Darsteller), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Harry Carter,
1914: [05.21] The Fox (Darsteller: Anna Stedman), Directed by Lloyd Ingraham, with Robert Z. Leonard, Allan Forrest,
1914: [05.17] A Boob There Was (Darsteller: Helaise ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard,
1914: [05.03] A Man, a Girl and Another Man (Darsteller: Suzan ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Allan Forrest,
1914: [04.26] Mountain Law (Darsteller), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Allan Forrest,
1914: [04.16] A Boob Incognito (Darsteller: The Broker's Daughter ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard,
1914: [04.09] The Ruby Circle (Darsteller: The Woman of Mystery ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Harry Carter,
1914: [04.02] In the Eye of the Law (Darsteller), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Harry Carter,
1914: [03.15] The Senator's Bill (Darsteller), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Betty Schade, Francis McDonald,
1914: [03.05] The House Across the Street (Darsteller: Helen Walton ), Directed by N. N., with Robert Z. Leonard, Harry Carter,
1914: [02.26] For the Family Honor (Darsteller: Hazel - The Thief), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Betty Schade,
1914: [02.19] The Boob's Honeymoon (Darsteller: Jennie ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Betty Schade,
1914: [01.29] From Father to Son (Darsteller: Young Corbin's Wife ), Directed by Robert Z. Leonard, with Robert Z. Leonard, Joseph Singleton,
1914: [01.14] The Cure (Darsteller: Mrs. John Wimble (--??--)), Directed by Raymond B. West, with Tom Chatterton, Charles Ray,
1913: [12.25] Eileen of Erin (Darsteller: Eileen of Erin ), Directed by Raymond B. West, with Charles Ray, J. Barney Sherry,
1913: [10.02] Exoneration (Darsteller), Directed by Charles Giblyn, with Charles Ray, William Desmond Taylor,
1913: [07.04] The Crimson Stain (Darsteller), Directed by Jay Hunt, with Edward Coxen, Leona Hutton, Frank Newburg,
1913: [04.30] Bread Cast Upon the Waters (Darsteller: Edna Hamilton, the Colonel's Daughter ), Directed by Thomas H. Ince, with Charles Ray, Cyril Gardner,
1913: [04.23] Retrogression (Darsteller: Helen Hardy - Jim's Daughter), Directed by N. N., with William Desmond Taylor, ,
1913: [03.14] The Sins of the Father (Darsteller), Directed by William J. Bauman, with Francis Ford, William Desmond Taylor,
1913: [02.12] The Wheels of Destiny (Darsteller: Ruth), Directed by Francis Ford, with Richard Stanton, Mildred Harris,
1913: [01.24] The Mosaic Law (Darsteller), Directed by Thomas H. Ince, with Robert Edeson, Ann Little, Ethel Grandin,

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