
Filmography [Auszug]
1917: [03.25] The Whip (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with Alma Hanlon, June Elvidge, Irving Cummings,
1917: [02.26] A Girl's Folly (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with Robert Warwick, Doris Kenyon, June Elvidge,
1917: [01.15] The Man Who Forgot (Production), Directed by Émile Chautard, with Robert Warwick, Doris Kenyon, Gerda Holmes,
1916: [11.20] Beyond the Wall (Production), Directed by Travers Vale, with Earl Schenck, Carlyle Blackwell, Mildred Cheshire,
1916: [11.13] The Turn of the Wheel (Production), Directed by Rupert Julian, with Ben Horning, Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill,
1916: [10.30] The Man Who Stood Still (Production), Directed by Frank Hall Crane, with Lew Fields, Doris Kenyon, George S. Trimble,
1916: [09.25] The World Against Him (Production), Directed by Frank Hall Crane, with E.K. Lincoln, June Elvidge, Ruth Findlay,
1916: [09.11] The Velvet Paw (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with House Peters, Gail Kane, Ned Burton,
1916: [09.04] The Almighty Dollar (Production), Directed by Robert Thornby, with June Elvidge, Frances Nelson, George Anderson,
1916: [08.21] The Rail Rider (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with House Peters, Bertram Marburgh, Henry West,
1916: [07.09] Paying the Price (Production), Directed by Frank Hall Crane, with Gail Kane, Robert Cummings, Lydia Knott,
1916: [07.03] The Crucial Test (Production), Directed by John Ince, Robert Thornby, with Kitty Gordon, Niles Welch, J. Herbert Frank,
1916: [06.29] Fate's Boomerang (Production), Directed by Frank Hall Crane, with June Elvidge, , Charles Gotthold,
1916: [05.08] Her Maternal Right (Production), Directed by Robert Thornby, John Ince, with Kitty Gordon, Zena Keefe, George Relph,
1916: [05.01] The Feast of Life (Production), Directed by Albert Capellani, with Clara Kimball Young, Mrs. E.M. Kimball, Edward Kimball,
1916: [04.24] The Closed Road (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with House Peters, Barbara Tennant, Lionel Adams,
1916: [03.27] The Hand of Peril (Production), Directed by Maurice Tourneur, with House Peters, June Elvidge, Ralph Delmore,
1916: [01.19] La Vie de Bohème (Production), Directed by Albert Capellani, with Alice Brady, Paul Capellani, June Elvidge,
1915: [04.05] The Heritage of a Century (Production), Directed by N. N., with Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill, Rupert Julian,
1915: [03.27] A Voice from the Sea (Production), Directed by Donald MacDonald, with Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill, Rupert Julian,
1915: [03.22] The Hawk and the Hermit (Production), Directed by Donald MacDonald, with Rupert Julian, Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill,
1915: [03.08] Fate's Vengeance (Production), Directed by Donald MacDonald, with Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill, Ben Horning,
1915: [02.22] A Tale of the Hills (Production), Directed by Donald MacDonald, with Dorothy Davenport, Lee Hill, Ben Horning,

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