Dirty pretty things

Regia: Stephen Frears, Granbretagna, 2003

Granbretagna, 2003
Szenenphoto aus Dirty pretty things, © Production Company


Direttore Stephen Frears
Scenaggiatore Steven Knight
Interpreti Chewitil Ejiofor
Sergi Lopéz
Sergi Lopéz

Caratteristiche tecniche
Informazioni tecniche: Colore,
Sistema sonoro: non indicato

Riviste (in Tedesco): "Disturbing and intriguing, "Dirty Pretty Things" fits a great deal into its ì
94 quicksilver minutes. Directed by Stephen Frears from a remarkable script ì
by Steven Knight, this is a film that insinuates itself deeply into our ì
awareness. It's that rare pulp story with something on its mind, an ì
unnerving, socially conscious thriller with a killer sense of narrative ì
drive." (L.A. Times)

"There's nothing subtle about Dirty Pretty Things, a TV-ready crime-thriller ì
plot dressed up in the provocative verbiage of a muckraking exposé. In the ì
apocalyptic contemporary London envisioned by director Stephen Frears, ì
capitalism has ravaged society no less destructively than the Rage Virus that ì
infects the same city in ''28 Days Later.'' Only in this case, the uninfected ì
-- all of them immigrants, many of them illegal and working more than one job ì
to survive -- suffer agonies unique to their station. ''We are the ones who ì
drive your cabs and clean your rooms and suck your c---s,'' a trio of ì
downtrodden hotel workers announces during a climactic scene in an ugly ì
parking garage. But the speeches (by first-time screenwriter Steven Knight, ì
who was one of the creators of TV's ''Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'') don't ì
need an occasion to pour forth. Here's Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor), the saintly ì
Nigerian doctor-turned-cabbie-and-night-clerk who's the hero of the drama, ì
trolling for a fare at the airport in the first scene: ''I'm here to rescue ì
those who have been let down by the system.''

''Things'' is jammed with banner-ready political rhetoric, and the ì
relentlessness of the lectures is wearying. The plot, on the other hand, is a ì
standard contraption built on enduring urban anxieties and involving a nasty ì
hotel-room trade run by a Spanish schemer (Sergi Lopez), in which desperate ì
illegals swap their organs -- kidneys are popular -- for forged passports. ì
''Amélie'''s Audrey Tautou, in her first English-speaking role, droops as a ì
Turkish hotel maid spellbound by the magic of America. Too innocent a ì
character to be handed any firebrand dialogue, she nevertheless pines for a ì
New York City where, she imagines with a fervor we are meant to pity, ''there ì
are lights in the trees." (Lisa Schwarzbaum in Entertainment Weekly)

"Hör auf, so zu tun, als hättest du eine Wahl!", wird Okwe (Chiwetel ì
Ejiofor) angefahren - von Señor Juan (Sergi López), der in dem riesigen, ì
unwirklichen Londoner Hotel einen Organhandel betreibt: Bei ihm können ì
illegale Immigranten eine Niere gegen einen Pass eintauschen. Okwe ist einer ì
der Abertausenden Sans-Papiers; tagsüber Taxifahrer, nachts Receptionist in ì
ebendiesem Hotel. Ahnungslos wird er in ein Zimmer gerufen: Das Klo sei ì
verstopft. Einige Handgriffe - und ein menschliches Herz wird hochgespült. ì
Hinter das Geheimnis gekommen, soll Okwe (der in seiner Heimat Nigeria Arzt ì
war) nun gleich die Operationen übernehmen, findet Señor Juan. Eine Hand ì
wäscht die andere? So könnte er zumindest der Türkin Senay helfen (Audrey ì
Tautou), auf deren Couch er lebt und die voller Sehnsucht ist nach New York. ì
- Regisseur Stephen Frears, ein Genre-Verfremder von tief europäischer ì
Sensibilität, will uns die Eingeweide Londons zeigen, jene Ausgenutzten, ì
welche das Ganze erst funktionieren lassen. «We're the people you don't see, ì
who drive your cars, clean your rooms, suck your cocks», sagt Okwe einmal. In ì
gefilterten Farben warm erleuchtend, ist «Dirty Pretty Things» eine Popfabel, ì
die ihr sozialpolitisches Engagement nie verrät. Ihre Tränen lügen nicht." ì
(mau. in NZZ Ticket)

General Information

Dirty pretty things is a motion picture produced in the year 2003 as a Granbretagna production. The Film was directed by Stephen Frears, with Chewitil Ejiofor, , Sergi Lopéz, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file;

Referenzen zum Film in anderen Datenbanken:

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