Sin City

Dirección: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, Estados Unidos, 2005

Estados Unidos, 2005


Director Frank Miller
Robert Rodriguez
Interpretación Jessica Alba [Nancy Callahan]
Jessica Alba [Miho]
Jessica Alba [Becky]
Powers Boothe [Senator Roark]
Benicio del Toro [Jackie Boy]
Josh Hartnett [The Man]
Rutger Hauer [Cardinal Roark]
Bruce Willis [Hartigan]

Détails techniques
Información tecnica: Color,
Sistema de sonido: non indicato

Critiche (en Alemán): "Der Comiczeichner Frank Miller geniesst einen glänzenden Ruf - er verdĂĽsterte bereits erfolgreich mannigfaltige Abenteuer von Batman, Daredevil oder Electra. Der Trash- und Horrorspezialist Robert Rodriguez hat Miller als Kegisseur angeheuert, um dessen SĂĽndenfabel "Sin City" zu verfilmen. Drei von insgesamt sieben Bänden haben die beiden werkgetreu, das heisst mit aller Brutalität, auf die Leinwand umgesetzt, in einer reduktionistischen Bildsprache aus gedämpften Schwarz- und Grautönen, minimal koloriert. Der Albtraumstoff ist nur so gespickt mit Stars, unter ihnen Bruce Willis, Benicio Del Toro, Elijah Wood, Brittany Murphy, Jessica Alba und dem ein wirklich mörderisches Comeback darbietenden Mickey Rourke. Eine wenig zärtliche Sequenz hat auch Gastregisseur Quentin Tarantino beigesteuert." (NZZ, jzb.)

"Frank Miller is the comic-book writer/artist who, among other things, reinvented Batman in The Dark Knight Returns and gave the Caped Crusader a new lease on life. Sin City is Miller's series of graphic novels, mostly in starkly flamboyant black and white (drawn by himself), in which he makes no concessions to anything but his own twisted imagination -- they are extremely violent, and the curvy chicks are as murderous as the men. These works are blacker than the blackest noir; they make Quentin Tarantino look positively girly. (But then, as Miller says, 'Nobody's ever successfully accused me of being realistic.') Now Sin City has been returned to its movie roots in a film adaptation by Miller and Robert Rodriguez, one that recreates the starkness of the graphic novels by being filmed in black and white with occasional splashes of colour (often blood) and much use of computer-generated animation. The movie is undeniably impressive on the visual front -- unlike anything else you're likely to have seen. Yet the storylines, from separate books in the series, don't entirely weave together, despite their common location: the movement between streams is often awkward. Bruce Willis is a cop on the trail of a paedophile; Mickey Rourke is an indestructible mutant-type seeking revenge; and Clive Owen is trying to protect a girl in the brothel district. Overall, a great neo-retro noir, but still not as great as the original graphic novels." -- Shaun de Waal, Mail&Guardian

«Korruption und Gier herrschen in den Straßenschluchten von Sin City, an jeder Ecke lauern Mord und Totschlag. "From Dusk Till Dawn"-Regisseur Robert Rodriguez überträgt die schattenhaft-grimmige Ästhetik der Graphic Novels von "Batman"-Zeichner Frank Miller in atmosphärisch gesättigte Bilder-Tableaus in modernem Film-noir-Stil. Bruce Willis gibt dazu den ausgebrannt-resignierten Großstadt-Cop, der am langsamsten stirbt. "Sin City 2" soll im nächsten Frühling starten. Wie passend.
Warum wir ihn lieben: Die innovativste Comic-Adaption, die je auf einer Leinwand zu sehen war. "Sin City" ist Punk!» (Cinema)

General Information

Sin City is a motion picture produced in the year 2005 as a Estados Unidos production. The Film was directed by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, with Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, , , Powers Boothe, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file;

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