The Moonshine Maid and the Man

Regia: Charles L. Gaskill, Stati Uniti, 1914

Stati Uniti, 1914


Casa produtrice Vitagraph Company of America
Distributtore General Film Company
Direttore Charles L. Gaskill
Scenaggiatore Charles L. Gaskill
Interpreti Helen Gardner [Nance, the Moonshine Maid]
Rex Ingram [Dave (Unter dem Namen Rex Hitchcock)]
John Costello
Ned Finley

Caratteristiche tecniche
Date di produzione: 1914
Location, rispettivamente Studios North Carolina Mountains (??)
Categoria: Short Feature Film
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,, 1000 piedi, 1 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 7º Dicembre 1914 in USA
US Copyright: 27. November. 1914 - ©LP 3847
Copie esistenti: Questa pellicula è probabilmente persa

Sinossi (in Tedesco)
Ein junger Mann aus den Bergen ist in Nancy, ein Mädchen aus den Bergen, verliebt, aber er ist zu arm, um erfolgreich um ihre Hand anhalten zu können. Nicht wissend, dass es ihr Vater ist, denunziert er einen Schwarzbrenner, in der Hoffnung auf eine grosse Belohnung. Doch bei den Verwicklungen kommt der junge Mann ums Leben.

Osservazione generali (in Tedesco): Eine romantische Tragödie im Milieu von Schwarzbrennern, möglicherweise in den Bergen von North Carolina gedreht, Der Film gilt als verschollen.

General Information

The Moonshine Maid and the Man is a motion picture produced in the year 1914 as a Stati Uniti production. The Film was directed by Charles L. Gaskill, with Helen Gardner, Rex Ingram, John Costello, Ned Finley, in the leading parts. There are no reviews of The Moonshine Maid and the Man available.

Bibliografia - New York Dramatic Mirror, December 2, 1914, pg 13 [note]
- The Moving Picture World, December 5, 1914, pg 1412 [synopsis]
- Motography December 12, 1914, pg 821 [synopsis]
- Portsmouth Herald, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, December 12, 1914 [note]
- The Moving Picture World, December 19, 1914, pg 1680 [note]
- Gazette and Bulletin, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1914 [note]
- Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 24, 1915 [ad]
- The Daily Republican, Rushville, Indiana, February 20, 1915, pg 3 [note]
- The Frederick Post, Frederick, Maryland, January 23, 1915, pg 6 [ad]
- The Daily Free Press, Carbondale, Illinois, March 2, 1915 [ad - as Miss Helen Gardiner]
- The Star and Sentinel, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1915, pg 1 [note]
- The Evening Tribune, Albert Lea, Minnesota, March 5, 1915 [ad]
- The Daily Gazette, Xenia, Ohio, March 20, 1915, pg 5 [ad]
- Hutchinson News, Hutchinson, Kansas, April 13, 1915 [ad]
- Einar Lauritzen & Gunnar Lundquist, American Film-Index 1908-1915, Stockholm 1976, pg 413
- Anthony Slide, The Big V: A History of the Vitagraph Company, Metuchen & London 1987, pg 257
- Paolo Cherchi Usai, Vitagraph Co. of America, Pordenone 1987, pg 574
- Richard E. Braff, The Braff Silent Short Film Working Papers, , Jefferson 2002, pg 336, N° 15076
- J. W. Williamson, Southern Mountaineers in Silent Films, Plot Synopses of Movies about Moonshining, Feuding and other Mountain Topics 1904-1929, Jefferson 1994, pg 141

Referenzen zum Film in anderen Datenbanken:

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