The Courage of the Common Place

Regia: Ben Turbett, Stati Uniti, 1917

Stati Uniti, 1917


Casa produtrice
Thomas A. Edison Company
Distributtore Thomas A. Edison Company
Direttore Ben Turbett
Assistente al Direttore Ben Turbett
Scenaggiatore Ben Turbett
Basato Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews [(novel)]
Direttore della Fotografia Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Interpreti Leslie Austin [Johnny McLean]
William Calhoun [Henry McLean]
Mildred Havens [The Girl]
Mildred Havens [Mrs. O'Hara]
William Wadsworth [Brady]
William Wadsworth [The Girl's Mother]
Stanhope Wheatcroft [Brant (Unter dem Namen Stanley Wheatcroft)]
Stanhope Wheatcroft [Arthur Twining Hadley (president of Yale University)]
Stanhope Wheatcroft [Babe Thomas]
Stanhope Wheatcroft [Terence O'Hara]
Stanhope Wheatcroft [Mrs. Brady]
Edward O'Connor [Janitor]

Caratteristiche tecniche
Categoria: Lungometraggio
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,, 4620 piedi, 5 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 12º Novembre 1917 in USA
US Copyright: 01. November. 1917 - ©LP.11672
Copie esistenti: Copie di questa pellicula esistono [Archiv: Library of Congress (Washington)]

General Information

The Courage of the Common Place is a motion picture produced in the year 1917 as a Stati Uniti production. The Film was directed by Ben Turbett, with Leslie Austin, William Calhoun, Mildred Havens, , William Wadsworth, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file; There are no reviews of The Courage of the Common Place available.

Bibliografia - Exhibitor's Trade Review, 17 November 1917 , pg 1933.
- Motography, 17 November 1917 , pg 1054.
- The Motion Picture News, 24 November 1917 , pg 3663.
- The Motion Picture News, 11 December 1920 , pg 4510.
- The Moving Picture World, 24 November 1917 , pg 1188, p, pg 1190-91,, pg 1230.
- The New York Dramatic Mirror, 17 November 1917 , pg 19.
- Wid's Film Daily, 22 November 1917 , pg 751.

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