Tu ne tueras point

Hacksaw Ridge

Mise en scène: Mel Gibson, USA, 2016

USA, 2016


Metteur en scène Mel Gibson
Scénariste Robert Schenkkan
Robert Schenkkan
Stand Photos Robert Schenkkan
Acteurs Robert Schenkkan [Desmond Doss]
Robert Schenkkan [Teach]
Robert Schenkkan [Lucky Ford]
Robert Schenkkan [Young Desmond]
Robert Schenkkan [Young]
James Lugton [Hiker]
James Lugton [Japanese Sniper (as Takehiro Abe)]
James Lugton [Receptionist]
James Lugton [Private Green]
Helmut Bakaitis [Minister]
Helmut Bakaitis [Rescued Private Schulenburg]
Helmut Bakaitis [Rescued Wounded Leg Soldier]
Helmut Bakaitis [Smitty Ryker]
Helmut Bakaitis [Head Doctor]
Helmut Bakaitis [Cinema Kissing Sweetheart]
Helmut Bakaitis [Harold]
Helmut Bakaitis [Corporal Cannon]
Tyler Coppin [Lynchburg Doctor]
Tyler Coppin [Lieutenant Manville]
Tyler Coppin [Wal Kirzinski]
Tyler Coppin [Private Gregan]
Tyler Coppin [Vito Rinnelli]
Tyler Coppin [Corpse with Rats #4]
Tyler Coppin [MP Gibbs]
Tyler Coppin [Wounded Private Blake]
Harry Greenwood [Henry Brown]
Rachel Griffiths [Bertha Doss]
Rachel Griffiths [Japanese General]
Rachel Griffiths [Private Tillson]
Rachel Griffiths [Bugle Player]
Rachel Griffiths [Captain Daniels]
Rachel Griffiths [Rescued Private Moran]
Rachel Griffiths [Private Webb]
Rachel Griffiths [Japanese Hanging Soldier]
Rachel Griffiths [Ghoul]
Rachel Griffiths [Private Giles]
Rachel Griffiths [Sergeant Amos (as Dennis Kruesler)]
Rachel Griffiths [Rescued Private Horvath (as Edward Ned Law)]
Sean Lynch [Popeye]
Sean Lynch [Prosecutor]
Sean Lynch [Rescued Private Saareste]
Sean Lynch [Local Man]
Sean Lynch [Stretcher Bearer]
Sean Lynch [Company B Soldier]
Sean Lynch [Grease Nolan]
Sean Lynch [Private Lewis]
Sean Lynch [Colonel Sangston]
Sean Lynch [Lt Colonel Cooney]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Rescued Japanese Soldier (as Yukihiro Nagashima)]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Injured Japanese in Tunnel]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [96th Soldier Page]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Corporal Jessop]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Firing Japanese Soldier #2]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Dorothy Schutte]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [96th Soldier Bob]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Hollywood Zane]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Irv Schecter]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Private Tyler]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Flirting Hospital Soldier]
Toshiyuki Nagashima [Soldier Hank]
Philip Quast [Judge]
Philip Quast [Climbing Soldier]
Philip Quast [Cinema Kissing Soldier]
Philip Quast [Private Bates]
Richard Roxburgh [Colonel Stelzer]
Richard Roxburgh [Private Maguire]
Richard Roxburgh [Tex Lewis]
Richard Roxburgh [Japanese Officer]
Richard Roxburgh [Hiker]
Richard Roxburgh [Reacting Japanese Soldier #2 (as Hisataka Uematsu)]
Richard Roxburgh [Firing Japanese Soldier #1 (as William Temm)]
Richard Roxburgh [Corpse With Rats #3 (as Daisuka Takeda)]
Richard Roxburgh [Japanese General]
Richard Roxburgh [Wounded Private O]
Richard Roxburgh [Surrendering Soldier]
Richard Roxburgh [Ralph Morgan]
Richard Roxburgh [Wounded Soldier]
Richard Roxburgh [Stretcher Bearer]
Richard Roxburgh [Teenage Boy]
Richard Roxburgh [Soldier Carl]
Richard Roxburgh [Soldier - Death Throes]
Richard Roxburgh [Stretcher Bearer]
Richard Roxburgh [Scared Military Officer]
Richard Roxburgh [Sgt Howell]
Richard Roxburgh [Tom Doss]
Richard Roxburgh [Private Perry]
Richard Roxburgh [Captain Glover]
Richard Roxburgh [Private Dixon (as Sam Wright)]
Richard Roxburgh [General Musgrove]
Richard Roxburgh [Corpse With Rats #2]

Spécifications techniques
Categorie: Long Métrage
Infos techniques: Aspect: 1:2,35 - Couleurs,
Sonorisation: Ton
Première Présentation: 4. Septembre 2016 in

General Information

Tu ne tueras point is a motion picture produced in the year 2016 as a USA production. The Film was directed by Mel Gibson, with , , , , , in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file; There are no reviews of Tu ne tueras point available.

Referenzen zum Film in anderen Datenbanken:

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