The Ventures of Marguerite

Szenenfoto aus dem Film 'The Ventures of Marguerite' © Kalem Company, Inc., General Film Company, Inc.,

Production: Kalem Company, Inc. USA, 1915

Metteur en scène: Robert Ellis, John Mackin, Hamilton Smith
Acteurs: Marguerite Courtot [Marguerite], Richard Purdon [Peter Enright], Edward Roseman [Ferris - a Broker (Unter dem Namen E.T. Roseman)], Paula Sherman, Bradley Barker [Hal Worth [Ch. 5] / Bob Winters [Ch. 6-16]], Freeman Barnes [Morton - Carlow's Accomplice [Ch. 5] / Manforth - Bolton's Accomplice], Henry A. Barrows [Bolton - Head of a Band of Crooks [Ch. 8] (Unter dem Namen H.E. Barrows)], Henry A. Barrows [Kagler - Bob's Assistant [Ch. 10]], Roland Bottomley, Roland Bottomley [Dangler - an Adventurer [Ch. 7]], Roland Bottomley [(Unter dem Namen Richard Forrest Cummimgs)], Harry Edwards [Max - one of the Kidnappers [Ch. 3] / Jones - a Foreign Agent [Ch. 10] (Unter dem Namen], Phil Hardy [Fenton - Ferris' Partner], Frank Holland [Leo - Frances], Frank Holland [Bertha - Gungha's Accomplice [Ch. 9]], Julia Hurley [Martha [Ch. 6]], Julia Hurley [Irene - Bolton's Accomplice [Ch. 8]], Julia Hurley [Gungha [Ch. 9]], Julia Hurley [Alota - Gungha's Accomplice [Ch. 9]], Helen Lindroth [Frances - Marguerite], Helen Lindroth [Durbar - an Oriental Mystic [Ch. 4]], Helen Lindroth, Otto Niemeyer [Carlow - a Fortune Hunter [Ch. 5]], Anna Reader [Martha - one of Durbar's Victims [Ch. 4]], William Sherwood [Rudolph [Ch. 6]], Joseph Sullivan [Wharton - a Foreign Agent [Ch. 10]], Robert Vaughn [Garrett - Leader of the Kidnappers [Ch. 3]], F.B. Vernoy [Hal Worth [Ch. 4]]
Categorie: Feature Film Serial
Infos techniques: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Aspect: 1:1,33 - Noir et Blanc,, 16000 pieds, 16 reels
Sonorisation: silent
Première Présentation: 29. Octobre 1915 in USA
Distribution: General Film Company

Episoden-Titel: When Appearances Deceive
Episoden-Titel: The Spy's Ruse
Episoden-Titel: The Crossed Clues
Episoden-Titel: The Tricksters
Episoden-Titel: The Sealskin Coat
Episoden-Titel: The Lurking Peril
Episoden-Titel: The Fate of America
Episoden-Titel: The Trail's End
Episoden-Titel: The Rogue Syndicate
Episoden-Titel: The Kidnapped Heiress
Episoden-Titel: The Veiled Princess
Episoden-Titel: An Society Schemer
Episoden-Titel: The Key to a Fortune
Episoden-Titel: The Ancient Coin
Episoden-Titel: The Secret Message
Episoden-Titel: The Oriental's Plot

References in Databases
IMDb - International Movie Data Base Nr. tt0006213
KinoTV Database Nr. 76916

Last Update of this record 24.02.2015

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The Ventures of Marguerite - KinoTV © June 2, 2024 by Unicorn Media