The Great Secret

Casa produtrice: Quality Pictures Corporation Stati Uniti, 1917

Direttore: Christy Cabanne
Produttore: Christy Cabanne, Louis B. Mayer
Assistente al Direttore: Louis B. Mayer
Scenaggiatore: Christy Cabanne, James Young Deer
Basato: Fred de Gresac
Direttore della Fotografia: William Fildew
Interpreti: Francis X. Bushman [William Montgomery Strong], Beverly Bayne [Beverly Clarke], Fred R. Stanton [The Great Master], Edward Connelly [Dr. Eulph], Tom Blake [Bull Whalen], Helen Dunbar [Jane Warren], Sue Balfour [Mrs. Clarke], Belle Bruce [Sava Laring], William J. Butler [Tom Clarke], Dorothy Haydel [Eunice Manton], Artie Ortego [The Rat], Charles Ripley [The Spider], Charles Ripley, Charles Ripley, Charles Ripley, Mathilde Brundage, William Calhoun, Robert Carson, Jack J. Clark [(Unter dem Namen John J. Clark)], Marie Du Chette, Marie Du Chette, Neva Gerber, Jack Goodman, Eddie Kelly, Eddie Kelly, Eddie Kelly, John Leach, John Leach, John Leach [(Unter dem Namen Fred Roberts)], W.C. Robinson [(Unter dem Namen Spike Robinson)], W.C. Robinson, W.C. Robinson, W.C. Robinson, W.C. Robinson [(Unter dem Namen Baby Ivy Ward)], Tammany Young
Categoria: Feature Film Serial
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,, 37000 piedi, 37 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 8º Gennaio 1917 in USA
Distributtore: Metro Pictures Corporation

Episoden-Titel: The Whirlpool of Destiny
Episoden-Titel: The Woman and the Game
Episoden-Titel: A Shot in the Dark
Episoden-Titel: Caught in the Web
Episoden-Titel: The Struggle
Episoden-Titel: The Test of Death
Episoden-Titel: The Crafty Hand
Episoden-Titel: The Missing Finger
Episoden-Titel: The Great Secret
Episoden-Titel: The Casket of Tainted Treasure
Episoden-Titel: The Hidden Hand
Episoden-Titel: From Sunshine to Shadow
Episoden-Titel: The Trap
Episoden-Titel: The Dragon's Den
Episoden-Titel: The Yellow Claw
Episoden-Titel: A Clue from the Klondike
Episoden-Titel: Cupid's Puzzle
Französischer Titel: The Escape
Portugischer Titel: O Grande Segredo

Weitere Filme mit diesem Titel

1914: The Great Secret, Regie: Edwin August,

References in Databases
IMDb - International Movie Data Base Nr. tt0008031
KinoTV Database Nr. 85885

Last Update of this record 12.11.2016
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The Great Secret - KinoTV © April 17, 2024 by Unicorn Media