Bologna - Filmfestival 2004

Reihe: Retrospektive


(The Jockey of Death), Directed by:   Alfred Lind, Italy - 1915
Production: A/S Kinografen - Vay Film, Milano - Producer: Giuseppe de Cippico - Armando Vay - Director: Alfred Lind - Scenario: Alfred Lind - Director of Photography: Alfred Lind - Cast: Olaf Fønss - Emilie Sannom - Miss Evelyn (--??--) - Alfred Lind - Trude Nick -
Remarks and general Information: Die 2015 in Bologna gezeigte Version hatte eine Länge von 1177 m gegenüber der Originalen Länge von 1600 m. Die genannte Miss Evelyn ist möglicherweise keine Darstellerin sondern ein Rollenname von Alfred Linds Ehefrau Trude Nick. (lhg 2016)


(One Life one Love), Directed by:   Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen, Danmark - 1913
Production: Nordisk Films Kompagni N° 976 - Director: Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen - Scenario: Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen - Director of Photography: Axel Graatkjær - Cast: Valdemar Psilander Frede Lund, ingeniør - Aage Fønss Aage, Fredes bror - Else Frölich Edith Falck, skuespiller - Axel Boesen -


(The clown, The old clown), Directed by:   A.W. Sandberg, Danmark - 1917
Production: Nordisk Films Kompagni N° 1508 - Distribution: Fotorama, Aarhus - Kosmos, Breslau (Deutschland) - Director: A.W. Sandberg - Scenario: Valdemar Psilander (Liedtext) - Laurids Skands - A.W. Sandberg - Story: Else Frölich - Carl Alstrup - Director of Photography: Karl Storm Petersen - Art Director: Axel Bruun - Cast: Peter Jørgensen Påklæderen - Peter Fjelstrup Mr. Bunding, cirkusdirektør - Ebba Lorentzen - Aage Lorentzen - Axel Boesen - Aage Hertel Tjener hos Count Henri - Daniel Blumenfeldt - Erik Holberg Impressarionen Mr. Wilson - Robert Schmidt Count Henri - Gudrun Houlberg Daisy, Bundings datter - Amanda Lund Mrs. Bunding - Valdemar Psilander Klovnen Joe Higgins -
Synopsis in German: Tragödie eines Pierrots. (German early Cinema Database)
Remarks and general Information: Länge lat German Early Cinema Database 1434 Meter, 4 Akte

Bologna Filmfestival 2004 Program

Sorry, we actually have no further information on the 2004 Bologna Filmfestival.