La maschera della vita


Regia: A.W. Sandberg, , Danimarca , 1926

Plakatmotiv La maschera della vita, © Nordisk Films Kompagni


Casa produtrice Nordisk Films Kompagni
Direttore A.W. Sandberg
Direttore della Fotografia A.W. Sandberg
A.W. Sandberg
Interpreti Philip Bech
Karina Bell [Daisy]
Eric Bertner
Karen Caspersen
Maurice de Féraudy [Cirkusdirektør James Bunding]
Gösta Ekman [Joe Higgins, Clown]
Kate Fabian
Jacoba Jessen
Mathilde Nielsen
Peter Nielsen
Holger Pedersen
Robert Schmidt
Henry Seemann

Caratteristiche tecniche
Categoria: Lungometraggio
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,
Sistema sonoro: silent
Copie esistenti: Copie di questa pellicula esistono [Archiv: Danish Film Institute]
Szenenphoto aus La maschera della vita, © Nordisk Films Kompagni
Szenenphoto aus La maschera della vita, © Nordisk Films Kompagni

Osservazione generali (in Tedesco): «Singing clown Joe Higgins (Ekman) travels around the small towns of France with Old Bunding (Féraudy) and his circus. Joe marries Bunding’s daughter Daisy (Bell). Joe is hired by a top music-hall in Paris and becomes a great success. Soon, he spends all his time on his art, and Daisy is easy prey for an
experienced seducer. Joe discovers their affair, and, distraught, allows Daisy to leave with her lover, who soon abandons her when she discovers that she is having a child. Months later, she seeks out Joe in desperation, but instead meets her father, whose sense of honour compels him to drive her away, and she drowns herself in the Seine.Years later, Joe is about to go completely to the dogs when fortune reunites him with his and Daisy’s daughter.
A full-blooded melodrama, this glossy remake of one of Valdemar Psilander’s most successful films (1916; also directed by Sandberg) is a good example of the international quality films of the 1920s; it could have been made in any important film-producing country. Scenes shot on location in Paris blend seamlessly with scenes shot in Denmark. There are no national particularities here, only cinematic craftsmanship at the highest level, with superb performances from Gösta Ekman and the famous French stage actor Maurice de Féraudy, seen in the title role of Feyder’s Crainquebille (1923) at the 2005 Giornate. Klovnen is Sandberg’s best film, and was Nordisk’s biggest hit of the 1920s." – CASPER TYBJERG, Giornate del Cinema muto, Pordenone 2006

General Information

La maschera della vita is a motion picture produced in the year 1926 as a Danimarca production. The Film was directed by A.W. Sandberg, with Philip Bech, Karina Bell, Eric Bertner, Karen Caspersen, Maurice de Féraudy, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file; There are no reviews of La maschera della vita available.

References in Databases
KinoTV Database Nr. 27637

Unter anderem wurde der Film bei folgenden Filmfestivals aufgeführt:

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